STM maintenance workers will hold a six-day no-overtime strike next week. Too much forced overtime seems to be the main issue.
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The city will be putting in concrete blocks to protect the pedestrian part of Ste-Catherine as it goes through the Village, to deter anyone pondering a maniacal van attack.
Frank Zampino and Paolo Catania have been found not guilty of corruption and fraud in the Contrecoeur scandal.
Thursday, Yves Boisvert capotes on the failure of UPAC and the prosecution to pin anything on these men after so many years waiting and so much incidental detail pointing in their direction.
CBC’s Sean Henry spoke to one law professor who says the verdict doesn’t contradict the findings of the Charbonneau commission but it’s difficult to discern why.
Three of the city’s expensive self-cleaning toilets are about to make their début. I find it odd that they only work between 6 a.m. and midnight, when you’d think it’s after midnight toward 3 a.m. that people will need them most as they emerge from clubs and bars and need to relieve themselves on their way home.
The Belz community is having a visit from their spiritual leader and this means street closures in Outremont and a parade on Saturday. CBC says the borough mayor has spoken of a police presence to keep things peaceful.
Le Devoir previews the new McCord exhibit Shalom Montreal.