L’Assomption Boulevard is going to be extended down to the port and other streets rejigged to allow better transport access. This has been percolating in low-key news items for awhile.
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Jason Prince and Eric Shragge write a brief but cogent piece on the city and the car.
A fire started around 17:45 in the building on Berri near Ste-Catherine where Le Devoir’s HQ is located, and the latest on their website is that everyone was safely evacuated, although editor Brian Myles has tweeted that there’s serious damage. I hope they’ve kept offsite backups.
Update: Twitter says firefighters say the spark came from a cigarette dropped into a flowerpot on the roof of the building. That dried-out peat moss is dangerous stuff: burning butts dropped into flowerpots have caused several fires in recent years.
Further update: The CP story says Le Devoir workers left the building when they smelled smoke, no alarm having gone off. A tweet I saw said the sprinklers didn’t go off either on the 8th and 9th floors where the newspaper offices are, which is good in one way, bad in another.
Another tweet says the paper went to press anyway, its crew having gone to a pre-planned emergency location. Le Devoir says they’ve had calls from other news media outfits offering to share facilities until their premises are fit to use again.
A man driving a Bentley convertible was shot in broad daylight in Rosemont, Monday afternoon.
TVA has a report on the progress of Station F-MR, the Lachine Canal installation of several old metro cars as a summer project.
To counter the loss of the Domtar garden downtown, which will soon have a condo building on it, Mayor Plante is proposing to turn a nearby parking lot owned by the city into a green space. However, the McCord Museum had had its eye on this space for a new building.
At the same time, the HEC wants the lot south of St Patrick’s, which would obliterate another of the dwindling supply of green spaces downtown. Via reddit, here’s the link to the church bulletin explaining the church view of the project, and this from HEC.
Shouldn’t there be a policy mandating a certain percentage of open space to make the jungle of tall buildings humanly tolerable?
A man who worked for McGill was investigated by TVA, which claims that he made off with thousands in public money to renovate his house, but the university has settled out of court. Item draws parallels with other recent scams that saw private property fixed up at public expense.
There are all kinds of ways to turn public money to private profit. The city has put millions into the amphitheatre on St Helen’s Island to the eventual profit of the Groupe CH, a private business and the parent company of Evenko. This, of course, was technically legal and undertaken with the complete approval of the Coderre administration.
CBC has a brief look at why repairing and maintaining the city’s waterworks is neither cheap nor easy.