Sunday is the annual Museums Day with the STM offering special routes as usual.
Updates from May, 2018 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Le Devoir ran a sniffy little piece this week stating a position I’ve seen before, that Montreal isn’t really Mohawk land at all.
Some people will claim anything to go back to terra nullius – the opinion that nobody lived here, thus it was fine for Europeans to sashay in, plant a cross and a flag, and declare it belonged to them. But it didn’t. Native people then didn’t have a European type of land ownership, but that doesn’t mean the island of Montreal was up for grabs. We know natives lived here, some more, some less nomadically, before Europeans showed up. They had villages or encampments, they regarded it as part of their geography.
Claiming it was not specifically Mohawk land is a red herring.
Some bird species in the Montreal area are in decline, but others have recovered from earlier troubles. A moment to boost the Flickr group Montreal faune/wildlife which I moderate and in which some very dedicated bird-watchers post pix of an incredible variety of birds and other creatures.
Boroughs with curbside composting can technically fine residents for putting compostables in the garbage, but very few can be bothered, opting for the carrot over the stick.
The city is paying more and more banking fees – as are we all – because of the growing popularity of online payments. What’s amazing is that the bank charges us more for this effortless form of exchange over the cumbersome old-fashioned system of processing and verifying paper cheques.
There’s no pharmacy at the Glen hospital site and the ongoing greedy management by the SNC‑Lavalin consortium is why. Good example why healthcare and profit-seeking make bad bedfellows.
Valérie Plante launched some sort of cleanliness pilot project and opposition councillors are complaining it’s only going to apply in Projet-run boroughs. One of those stories you read and wonder what the hell it’s really about.
Notes on driving this weekend. And take two. And all three main bridges will be affected.
The F-MR project on the Lachine Canal has opened. I walked past this week and was unimpressed with the view from outside, then a scruffy security guy said he needed to search my bag before I went in, so to hell with them.
The STM is looking for a mediator to help settle things with its maintenance workers, who’ve been doing pressure tactics all month.
I rely on the STM and use it every day but have not been aware of any blips in the service at all. Anyone?