The city has plans to revitalize the neighbourhoods bordering the Turcot, but only after the construction is completed. Dust and noise from the site are not included in the plan.
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Our firefighters are now equipped with animal resuscitation kits enabling them to save the lives of pets as well as people. They were paid for by the Firefighters Association itself.
The city inspector general says there were shenanigans around Formula E, with the “Montréal, c’est électrique” group merely acting as a nonprofit façade for Evenko, allowing them to receive grants for which they otherwise wouldn’t’ve been eligible. In addition, the BIG says Denis Coderre ignored legal advice from the city’s own lawyers. CBC says here that Coderre refuses to admit he broke rules and still maintains the event was a good idea.
Update: Yves Boisvert says the BIG should have caught this two years ago, not after the fact.
Also: François Cardinal defends Coderre with faint damns, pointing out there’s no evidence he enriched himself at city expense, but that he merely had a desire to leave a legacy. I suspect there’s another element in the skein: schmoozing up to Evenko gave Coderre opportunities to hobnob with the famous, a big shot among big shots.
Bell and Evenko are buying a majority stake in Juste pour rire from the American firm that bought it earlier this year. With majority Canadian control the event will qualify for tasty tax breaks.
Raïf Badawi, still imprisoned in Saudi Arabia although not flogged regularly as was once ordered, will become an honorary citizen of Montreal. His wife and kids live in Sherbrooke; he was jailed because of liberal opinions expressed on a blog.
Opinions can have consequences, as writer Jérôme Blanchet-Gravel learned this week. Author of books condemning multiculturalism, Blanchet-Gravel has found himself banned from a Quartier Latin bar, although this brief piece suggests it was waitstaff who issued this ruling and not the owner.
The STM’s transit maintenance union has voted overwhelmingly in favour of a strike. Scheduling is the main concern, rather than pay rates.
A man was stabbed Sunday afternoon near Jean-Talon metro but has survived the attack. A 16‑year‑old suspect is in custody.