Wong lodges complaint against Lynne Shand
City council chair Cathy Wong has lodged a complaint with the Quebec municipal commission against Anjou councillor Lynne Shand over her recent rant against an emergency doctor wearing hijab. Wong points out that 10% of Anjou residents are Muslim, so how can Shand fairly represent her borough?
Chris 09:00 on 2019-03-27 Permalink
Through cognitive dissonance. People are good at holding contradictory values/opinions beliefs.
How can an ER doctor (a person a science) be a theist? Likewise, a councilor can dislike some people yet still fairly represent them. Internal subconscious compartmentalization.
Kate 09:26 on 2019-03-27 Permalink
Thing is, Chris, I don’t care what the inner beliefs of my ER doctor are. If she’s qualified, and I need a doctor, I’m happy.
Chris 09:59 on 2019-03-27 Permalink
Kate, I agree (as long as those inner beliefs don’t impact her outward behaviour as a doctor). But that’s not in conflict with my statements.
Can a lawyer represent a client he believes is a bad person? Can a doctor suggest an abortion if she’s personally against it? Can a city councilor represent people she doesn’t like/agree with? Yes, yes, and yes.
dwgs 10:05 on 2019-03-27 Permalink
Chris, would it be wise for that lawyer to go on a public forum and complain about what a nasty and poorly behaved person his client is? Would it be okay for that doctor to go on FB and excoriate the ‘sluts’ and ‘loose women’ who present themselves needing abortions? Sure they can do those things but they are likely to lose clients and have it affect their ability to earn a living. No one is saying that Shand can’t hold her own private views, no matter how odious they may be. They’re saying that she can’t air them in public without expecting consequences.
Meezly 12:45 on 2019-03-27 Permalink
From Cathy Wong’s FB post: “Auparavant, la Commission municipale avait déjà statué que «les membres du Conseil doivent traiter les citoyen.nes avec égards et respect en évitant toute forme de discrimination (interdite par la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne, L.R.Q., c. C‑12)»”
jeather 13:26 on 2019-03-27 Permalink
Seems like she is out of the party and standing as an independent, despite what Miranda said the other day.
Chris 23:35 on 2019-03-27 Permalink
dwgs, I could agree with all that, it doesn’t conflict with my earlier statements. Kate asked ‘how can Shand fairly represent her borough?’, I still answer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compartmentalization_(psychology)