The current official Montreal unemployment rate is 5.6 percent, close to a record low.
Updates from November, 2018 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
I’m very doubtful that the average Montreal resident spends $174 on Halloween candy. I’m not even sure that I buy that there are 39 distinct cemeteries on the island of Montreal, although I suppose there may still be some small ones at the far ends of the island.
The SQDC store on Ste-Catherine is being asked to close on the morning of the Santa Claus Parade by the merchants’ association, and QMI is announcing loudly that the SQDC is a bad commercial neighbour and is stinking up the environs.
Meantime, Enquête says legal cannabis producers have ties to organized crime. But everything does. I was two steps away from the mob in a contract job a few years ago. I’m certain I’ve drunk mobbed-up espresso. And I know I’ve told the story about my mother attending a mob wedding, because her best friend was sister of a woman marrying a man with connections.
The boyfriend of the missing woman from Park Ex has been arrested and will be charged with her murder.
Update: Gruesomely, police think the suspect disposed of the body by simply putting it out with the trash.
Closing a case that’s been hanging around since I can remember, the Supreme Court ruled Friday that Newfoundland and Labrador has to stick to a 65-year contract signed in 1969 that gives Hydro-Quebec the lion’s share of the proceeds from Churchill Falls. But let’s not get carried away hoping Hydro will refrain from asking for its yearly rate boost from consumers.
The city has come to an agreement with its white collar workers to allow them some flexibility in their working schedules.
Gilles Proulx has a brief piece Friday reminding François Legault he must insist that Montreal fly the fleurdelysé everywhere at all times.
Radio-Canada looks back 50 years to the 1968 unveiling of the “new” Montreal Forum, a building created on the footprint of the original arena that stood in that location, dating from 1924. Too bad the current form of the building is a pustulent eyesore at that end of Ste-Catherine Street.
There’s a nice irony in François Legault putting off the religious symbols ban because he will “run short of time to do it before Christmas.” If Quebec were really laïque, why would Christmas matter?
REM construction means extensive road closures this weekend, also in the Journal. The Gazette says it will be a nightmare and traffic hell.
Truck drivers are also dreading the almost complete closure of the Turcot zone from November 9-13. There will be free commuter trains and other services over that period (as I’ve said before: if we can do these services to reduce traffic, let’s do them all the time!).
In tangential news, that site has been filling the air with far more dust than is deemed safe in public health norms.