This La Presse item says Montreal’s city services are less efficient than Toronto, Calgary or Winnipeg, overall, although a lot of the downsides are still in road maintenance. The Gazette finds there’s no solid definition for poor roads.
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Thousands of farmers marched through town Sunday in support of local food production and Canadian-style supply management, in response to agreements made in the USMCA.
Martin Patriquin writes in the Gazette about the progress of Projet Montréal. I’d be willing to bet he didn’t write the clickbaity headline, which is not borne out in the text and is, at any rate, not true.
Anglo media are noting the death of CTV sportscaster Randy Tieman who was on the local channel for years before they axed their sports desk – an unpopular move by all accounts – last year. Fagstein looks at various tributes.
The Centre d’histoire contrasts Crescent Street in 1966 and today.
An attempt to firebomb a restaurant in Villeray failed to work early Sunday as the Molotov cocktail bounced off the façade, breaking a window but doing no further damage.
A new white ghost bike was installed Saturday at Lajeunesse and Crémazie on the Ahuntsic side. Cyclist Clément Bazin was killed there in September.
Atlas Obscura, one of the better sites for browsing when you’re all caught up on your usual reads, has a brief piece on the Main’s mural art with half a dozen photos of notable pieces.