The Atwater tunnel is open again.
Updates from November, 2018 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Firebombing season continues: a Westmount storefront was hit overnight.
Various transit tales Friday: the issue with STM buses running out of gas has been resolved as it turned out some of them had badly placed fuel sensors; the STM wants more information about how the SPVM spends the funds it gets for policing the metro; adapted transit will be more responsive; Philippe Schnobb is now talking about suicide doors on the orange line.
La Presse says the CAQ’s dreaming of extending the REM to the east end.
Also a summary of transit stories in the Gazette.
The city is paying $28,000 to a woman who broke her ankle when she slipped on an icy sidewalk and was laid up for four months.
It was all over social media Thursday evening that RDP-PAT councillor Richard Guay responded to some remarks on transit by his colleague Lisa Christensen by saying he was impressed by her technical knowledge for a woman. He has since apologized.
Le Devoir suggests that the announcement of the Maestria project, the two condo towers on the old Spectrum site, was premature: it has never been submitted for any stage of city approval. The Gazette enthuses about the project uncritically here with no reservations about the proposed scale of the thing.
A body was found in a burned-out car near the airport.