Pierre-André Normandin in La Presse looks at the departure in road maintenance philosophy found in the new city budget: this administration is going beyond hastily patching things up – the policy most administrations have had in our lifetimes – and is trying to make proper repairs to the tune of $1.2 billion.
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On a windy, chilly Saturday afternoon tens of thousands marched downtown to press the Legault government to act on global warming. Photos of the march by Jacques Nadeau.
The city has given its approval to Hydro-Quebec’s plan to construct a central near the approach to the Victoria Bridge to be called “le poste des Irlandais” after a small nearby street which, take a look on Streetview, already has an electrical substation on it. This new installation would be much bigger and would likely displace the Black Rock, which was placed to “preserve from desecration the remains of 6000 immigrants who died of ship fever A.D. 1847-58” as the inscription says, but probably not for much longer.
A convicted fraud artist who ran a million-dollar grandparent scam ring has been granted day parole after an essentially wrist-slap sentence. Apparently he was a good boy when he was behind bars.
The STM’s latest report shows a record number of passengers over the last 12 months.