A calèche horse collapsed and died Sunday afternoon in the Vieux, and the SPCA is to inquire into it. Horrible for the person who was working with it, who could do nothing to help.
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Jonathan Mahautière was found guilty of murdering his girlfriend more than four years ago, on Sunday. The jury had taken six days to deliberate. Gabrielle Dufresne-Élie was 17 at the time and had just completed high school, and Mahautière was barely 18. He never denied he had killed Dufresne-Élie, but has maintained he wasn’t criminally responsible.
Mahautière has faced the court before, but in May 2017 a mistrial was declared after a hung jury.
It’s probably inevitable that, after a year, a Journal/Léger poll shows Valérie Plante clocks in as less popular than a year ago when she was elected, although given the numbers, she’d still be re-elected today.
Says 68 per cent of those surveyed are unhappy with driving conditions and half complained that taxes are too high – well, a lot of the driving problems aren’t municipal but are because the MTQ is rebuilding the Turcot, so Plante can’t fix those. And everyone always complains about taxes.
I wonder if the responders were asked whether they had voted. A lot of them didn’t know who Luc Ferrandez is, let alone Lionel Perez.
A man who may have been involved in as many as three car crashes early Sunday was seriously injured in a police chase which will be investigated by the BEI. The CBC piece mentions nothing about where in town this happened, although it appeals for witnesses. TVA’s account locates the crashes and the final pile-up at William-Tremblay and Joliette in Rosemont borough.