The city has selected Sylvain Caron to be the new police chief, if the public security minister approves. Both proposed candidates were from outside the SPVM, Caron from the SQ and the other from the RCMP.
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Good news, everybody! Nationalist pressure has made the city agree to give the fleurdelysée pride of place: Canadian law says the unifolié should dominate, which it has till now at city hall, but Quebec law differs.
A man was shot multiple times Tuesday evening in a restaurant on Beaubien in Little Italy. He’s in critical condition, and the cops don’t yet know who he was, why he was shot or by whom.
The year-long mandate of interim police chief Martin Prud’homme is ending, and his report on the state of the force has a lot of suggestions for its improvement including recommendations for his replacement. This comes as other reports of SPVM police ignoring procedure have made the news.
An investigation into alleged sexual misconduct by onetime OSM conductor Charles Dutoit has come up empty with inconclusive results.
(Has it become usual to refer to the orchestra as the OSM, even in English? The CBC does. I guess I will too, from now on.)
Residents and business owners in Griffintown say they’ve had enough of construction work, but they did, after all, choose to locate in a neighbourhood undergoing total transformation, which never happens quietly or instantly. I don’t know what else they could have expected.