Daily Hive says this is the coldest November 22 on record. TVA asks why it’s so cold so soon.
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The premature arrival of cold weather means that the city’s homeless shelters are now on winter procedures.
I’ve received two phone spams in Mandarin so far this week. Anyone else?
The metro really is more crowded these days. Philippe Schnobb is yelling au secours.
A black couple pepper-sprayed in their car, the man then handcuffed, the only people treated like this in a lot of cars all honking during a Grand Prix incident last summer, are filing a human rights complaint against police. The man has already paid an $888 fine for honking his horn.
Are we entering a new season of restaurant firebombs? A pizza place on Decarie was hit overnight but was caught and the fire quickly put out. This follows from recent hits in Villeray and Verdun, the latter of which which destroyed a business.
Two massive condo towers will be built on the old Spectrum site. Is this really what the Quartier des Spectacles needs? Huge condo buildings?