City council adopted the proposed 2019 budget on Wednesday.
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The MUHC hospital cost a hell of a lot more than it ought to’ve and there’s no chance they can recoup much of the lost funds – but they’re going to have a try.
Because of deals in the PPP contracts at both the MUHC and CHUM hospitals, as has already been noted, even minor repairs and additions cost a small fortune. This is because of the tremendous importance of transferring public money into private hands as agreed by the Quebec government when it made these deals.
My question is this – about the MUHC at least – since we know now that contracts were awarded after bribes, could a court not be persuaded to break such a contract on the grounds it was signed on corrupt premises?
An emergency phone test is planned for Wednesday at 14:55 after a similar test in May completely failed in Quebec. Seems your phone needs to be on LTE and not a local wi-fi for it to work.
Update: My phone sounded red alert right on time. Followed not long after by yet another robocall in Mandarin.
A Villeray couple coming in from an evening out were shocked to find a party in progress in their apartment and, after throwing the strangers out, their valuables gone and their other possessions vandalized.
A man was found dead on the sidewalk not long after allegedly robbing a dep on Tuesday evening in Hochelaga. TVA has the lurid headline Tabassé à mort par des citoyens après un vol de dépanneur.
Update: Three men have been arrested and are likely to be charged with murder in what CBC describes as a citizens’ arrest gone wrong. It’s homicide #29.