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  • Kate 15:07 on 2018-11-17 Permalink | Reply  

    A woman was hit like a ton of bricks by an SPVM patrol car late Saturday morning on Sherbrooke East. The photo shows a badly damaged car; there’s not much info about the state of the victim.

    English CBC gives a different account entirely and doesn’t mention the woman plowed down.

    Update: The Journal has a more detailed account suggesting the woman was hurt while shovelling snow when a police car, chasing a delinquent driver, surged off the road.

    Another update, also from the Journal: A different police cruiser had an accident in NDG Sunday morning resulting in minor injuries to four people including the two cops in the car.

    Update a couple of days later: CTV talks to the husband of the injured woman who has had extensive surgery and will need more, plus a lot of physiotherapy. Similar take from CBC.

    • Kate 14:50 on 2018-11-17 Permalink | Reply  

      I’m going to continue kvetchy here – the early start to winter seems to have harshed my mellow.

      I have to re-register my cat before the end of the year. Last year I left it till after January 1 and had to pay an additional penalty.

      There are 2 choices. I can go over to the borough Accès Montreal office on Ogilvy Avenue, or I can download a PDF file, fill it in, print it out, enclose a cheque and put it in the mail.

      Accès Montreal has these hours: Lundi à vendredi : de 8 h 30 à 16 h 30. My job keeps me at a distance from this location during the hours indicated.

      The borough page says “en remplissant le formulaire et en le retournant à l’adresse indiquée” but there is no address indicated on that page or on the form itself. Maybe it has to be mailed to Ogilvy Avenue or maybe to some other animal control location, who knows?

      Also, I don’t have a printer, and no longer use cheques, envelopes and stamps for most kinds of payment, so I’ll have to gather those things together to do it.

      Why the hell is this kind of thing not doable online? My cat has been registered before so the borough already has a copy of her sterilization papers and her description. I don’t have to present those again, so I just need to give the city $12. Intelligent city?

      • Kate 14:37 on 2018-11-17 Permalink | Reply  

        Thrillist has a piece called Things to Know Before Traveling to Montreal. For starters, it was posted on Friday during a snowstorm but shows us a photo of lower St-Denis during an early summer event for which the street was closed. The caption reads “Saint Denis street in Montreal’s Plateau Mont Royal, Quebec” although this section of the street is not in the Plateau. We are warned.

        – “…cobblestone streets, narrow alleys…” – In one small part of town, yes.
        – “Saint Laurent Boulevard acts as a dividing line between the two camps, with English speakers to the west and French speakers to the east” – (Camps?) The divided city cliché has never really been true. I could give a long tedious list of exceptions but anyone who lives here knows it’s at best a crude generalization with little to back it up.
        – “Francophones call it Mon-real with a guttural “r” way back in your throat.” Calling the linguistics police.
        – A paragraph suggesting that the best times to come here are spring and fall, followed by a paragraph on festivals, which almost all take place in summertime. (“The Quebecoise love a festival” – does she?)
        – “But you DO have to go to the French food market” – c’est où ça?
        – “Low ABV wine and beer can be bought in supermarkets” – ?? I’ve never seen low ABV wine. I’ve seen no-alcohol wine in a health food store but wondered what was the point. If you want fruit juice, there’s lots of options.
        – A mention of cycling with no mention of Bixi.

        And more. Sorry if this sounds kvetchy but it’s a hell of a piece.

        • Kate 12:49 on 2018-11-17 Permalink | Reply  

          A man convicted of a stabbing death in 2016 was sentenced to ten years this week for involuntary homicide, but he’s already credited with three years for time already spent inside. Item notes Chen Hao Zhang may then be deported to China. No idea what China does to its citizens sent home after crimes on foreign soil.

          • Kate 10:53 on 2018-11-17 Permalink | Reply  

            Numbers show that vegetarian and vegan cuisine is on the rise in Montreal, with more places serving veg food only, as well as omnivore establishments branching out into more options for the non-meat-eaters.

            In the early days of the local internet there was a circulating samizdat list of sushi restaurants. It was not a long list in those forgotten days of the early 1990s when sushi was still obscure here. That list outlived its usefulness. Almost that long ago I started a list of veg*n establishments on montreal.com – its descendant is still here today on the blog, but I’m beginning to wonder if it too may soon be made obsolete by changes in the gastrozeitgeist.

            (Not a vegetarian myself. I tried it on for a short while in the 1990s but it wasn’t for me.)

            • Kate 10:38 on 2018-11-17 Permalink | Reply  

              The construction consortium now says it expects to complete the new Champlain at the end of January. This isn’t a date for the opening of the bridge, but of the completion of the basic structure.

              • Kate 10:22 on 2018-11-17 Permalink | Reply  

                The brief and unannounced two-hour walkout by STM maintenance workers on Thursday was ruled illegal Friday by the Tribunal administratif du travail. The actual story here is buried: the union itself washed its hands of the action.

                • Kate 10:12 on 2018-11-17 Permalink | Reply  

                  As presaged, the city has claimed a downtown parking lot next to where Domtar Gardens used to be. I’m not clear on why the lot is called îlot Eugène-Lapierre (the name presumably refers to this person but what his connection is with the area I don’t know).

                  The official notification mentions using it as a construction site during accessibility upgrades to the nearby Place-des-Arts edicule, after which it will be made into a park, although that’s a couple of years from now and the demand for more condo buildings might overwhelm a future administration.

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