Martin Patriquin explains and dissects Quebec’s face veil ban in the New York Times.
Updates from November, 2017 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Valérie Plante intends to keep getting around by metro and bike as much as possible, so her SPVM security detail will have to adapt.
Radio-Canada reveals more detail about where stations would be on the pink line. Martin Coiteux has said that Quebec is ready to study the idea, but we know how long they’ve studied the blue line extension, so that’s no material promise.
Car share firms also hope to expand their areas now that Denis Coderre’s banishment of them from Vilke-Marie is likely to end soon.
Women candidates did well in the recent election, but the new city council has only four people of visible minority and they’re all in opposition.
Little official noise has come from the Coderre camp since Sunday night, although La Presse got some notables to talk about how Coderre’s personality alienated voters.
Valérie Plante has met with Martin Coiteux about public transit and other matters. TVA link plays video.
CBC looks at how Projet’s numbers improved this time and, to some extent, why.