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  • Kate 11:24 on 2017-11-06 Permalink | Reply  

    CBC has a challenges-facing-Plante piece to greet the new mayor Monday and Patrick Lagacé analyzes why Plante won. He says he’s never seen such a political upset in Quebec – not the orange wave in 2011? Jean Doré’s defeat of the Civic Party in 1986 was also a turning of the tide, but maybe Lagacé is too young to remember that one.

    The Gazette looks at changes in the West Island and how Côte St-Luc voted. Westmount kept the interim mayor who stepped in earlier this year when Peter Trent retired, and CBC reports on the West Island as well.

    I’m seeing numbers around 40% for voter participation in Montreal, but the final tally on that is not yet in.

    Borough mayoralties: Ten are now Projet, two are local parties (Anjou and Lasalle), six remained with Équipe Coderre. Ville-Marie doesn’t have its own mayor so can be counted as also taken by Projet.

    Will Équipe Coderre have to rename itself, now that its chief is bailing from city politics?

    • Kate 03:01 on 2017-11-06 Permalink | Reply  

      Le Devoir has a good page showing results from Montreal boroughs as well as other towns in Quebec. Some interesting contests are still too close to be sure but it looks like Coderre will not be the only confident municipal politician turfed out of his job Sunday night.

      Still watching the Ahuntsic-Cartierville mayoral contest, where Projet’s Émilie Thuillier is a smidge ahead of Harout Chitilian, and CDN-NDG, where Projet’s Sue Montgomery is holding an equally thin advantage over Russell Copeman. (Update: both Projet candidates won.)

      Ferrandez, Croteau and Dorais handily retook the Plateau, Rosemont and Sud-Ouest for Projet.

      Réal Ménard has been defeated in MHM by Projet’s Pierre Lessard-Blais, and Projet’s Philippe Tomlinson has taken Outremont from Marie Potvin.

      I notice that among borough councillors, Richard Bergeron has been defeated in Ville-Marie and Jeremy Searle won’t be back. Elsie Lefebvre seems to have been edged by Rosannie Filato in Villeray. (Update: That’s final. I don’t imagine Lefebvre will leave politics, having been both an MNA and a councillor, but she’s out of council now.)

      Denis Coderre is conceding and saying he’s leaving municipal politics and won’t be sitting in council. His co-listier in Montreal North will have to sit. I’m seeing observations that Coderre is the first mayor in 57 years to lose after just one mandate. Last time it was Sarto Fournier.

      • Kate 02:15 on 2017-11-06 Permalink | Reply  

        CBC radio just called it: Valérie Plante is our new mayor.

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