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  • Kate 12:14 on 2017-11-27 Permalink | Reply  

    Dezeen has a piece about one of those architect transformations of a Plateau building. I don’t think it’s anything to crow about, losing a storefront to residential use. Also, as I opened this, I thought “I’d bet my boots there’s going to be a breakfast bar” and voilà, the obligatory “we’ve had the architects in” symbol of our times.

    • Kate 12:10 on 2017-11-27 Permalink | Reply  

      The STM needs to replace 500 worn-out buses by 2021, and this is separate from Valérie Plante’s promise of adding 300 more buses to the system. The STM has 1,837 working buses and its plans involve keeping that number stable.

      • Kate 03:57 on 2017-11-27 Permalink | Reply  

        As the cherry on the PLQ conclave cake, Philippe Couillard has announced he wants a faster transit link between Montreal and Quebec City, not light rail, possibly a monorail.

        I have to totally quote ant6n’s tweet in response: “Couillard’s pet transit project unnecessarily converts Montreal’s main East/North rail link to heavy rail. Dismissed all warnings how it will make Montreal-Quebec rail link all but impossible. – Now he wants a Montreal-Quebec rail link.”

        Update: ant6n sent an amendment to his tweet: “I’m noting a mistake – the conversion is to light rail. I mean the REM transit project converts the Mont Royal tunnel to light rail, making it unavailable for a heavy rail link to Quebec city.”

        • Kate 01:36 on 2017-11-27 Permalink | Reply  

          I’ve been making a new 2018 weblog calendar and have put up a preliminary version for comment (PDF file). The design, photos and blog quotes are all new since last year’s, and while some of the historical dates are carried over from last time, I’ve been researching and reading up to add more. The cover is based on this terrific poster from 1884 with the picture of the old Crystal Palace at the top.

          I have a problem with February. It’s a sparse month for landmark incidents. For 375 years, it seems everyone has been home by the fire that month, not going out and making trouble. But if anyone can think of anything significant that occurred here in any February from 1643 to 2017 which I haven’t got, please add a comment!

          When I’ve done a little more work I’ll create a higher-rez version suitable for printing on tabloid-size paper (11×17), and post again.

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