The Gazette warns us well in advance that there will be some lane closures on Decarie startling July 9 and lasting for months.
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The cost of improvements to the Gilles-Villeneuve racing circuit is now up to $60 million, and can we believe the final bill won’t be even higher?
Six deaths have been blamed on the heatwave in Montreal – so far.
Clarification: As Emily says below, these were people already afflicted with health issues, and Bill Binns is probably not far off the truth that a certain number of such people will die over time but if it happens this week it will be blamed on the heat wave.
Update: The Gazette shuffles the facts down to the third ‘graph here where the public health doctor says there has actually been no increase in the death rate so far. Roughly ten people die in Montreal every day and that hasn’t changed.
The Toronto Star looks at Aire Commune, the outdoor coworking space in the Mile End. Official site.
The Mercier bridge was still a mess Tuesday morning despite attempts to reduce traffic, like keeping trucks away at rush hour.
A man whose week-long stay at Notre-Dame Hospital in 2013 was an epic of low-grade lousy existence on a gurney has sued the CHUM and won in small claims court, a first in Quebec. But his experience also tends to confirm that the CHUM did need a new hospital building, as Notre-Dame is
no longer a hospitalno longer a university hospital (see below).Update: CBC has a new story this week about intolerable conditions at the hospital because of the heat wave, both for workers and patients.
Denis Coderre banished the city hall visitors’ book and made it official that he could have meetings off the record, but Valérie Plante has revived the book, and Radio-Canada went and had a look at who’s been visiting the mayor.
A man was stabbed Monday evening in Cabot Square. Both the victim and attacker are in their fifties, and this item says the victim fled the hospital after getting stitches, so he’s clearly not in critical condition.
Workers at the Grande bibliothèque and other provincial archive buildings are on strike Tuesday.
Classic bit of heat wave journalism: hardware store sold out of air conditioning units.
Calls to 911 are up, CBC radio news this morning recommending people call 811 unless it’s a true emergency.
Montreal was not visited by the thunderstorm promised Monday, but it did show up outside the city so the power’s out in many spots.
All metro lines are down as I post, except the yellow line.