A second downtown fire broke out Friday evening at McGill’s McIntyre Medical Building and there may be damage to the medical library there.
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A five-alarm fire broke out just after office hours at the top of Place Montreal Trust. I saw the smoke plume myself but couldn’t determine how far away it was. (TVA calls the building Place Bell Média and the Gazette the Bell Media building.)
CBC looks at the epic of neglected infrastructure that plagues not only Montreal but other cities of similar vintage in North America.
The World Cup final between France and Croatia will be shown on a giant screen over on the islands on Sunday.
I was amused by this Alexander Panetta tweet before England’s defeat to the Croats: “For a Canadian, watching France vs England in the World Cup final would’ve basically been Mommy vs Daddy for the Super Bowl.”
(Or a replay of Agincourt.)
Following the story about bedbugs at the Grande bibliothèque is the news that bedbugs are becoming more and more prevalent around town, although the article fails to mention climate change as a factor.
I’m itchy at the thought of public transit being a vector.
There’s a new survey to test the public’s response to what Global insists on calling bringing back the Expos although I want to point out again that, whatever happens, the Expos are never coming back.
Typically, Global talks about the survey but doesn’t link to it, except circuitously via a quoted tweet. Here’s the link but be warned, it’s detailed and asks a lot of questions about what you want, and is clearly mostly meant for businesspeople who would use tickets to blandish their customers. Also, when they asked where my “primary residence” is, I could see what socioeconomic group they had in mind.
Martin Patriquin writes in the Guardian about how Quebec’s nationalist movement became so white.
Here are some weekend traffic notes from the Journal. Similar from the Gazette.