People living near Téo Taxi’s Point St Charles repair depot are having a hell of a time with the 24‑hour noise from the joint.
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Le Devoir’s Jérôme Delgado checks in with the old Olympic village pyramids, part of their summer series on interesting buildings.
The Gazette claims that incomes are rising in Montreal, while poorer people are still spending too much of their income on housing in a market that’s heating up. Meantime, a new dim sum place in Old Montreal sells a dumpling for $100.
It’s sort of typical that while the CBC tells a whole story about Terry Westcott reopening his bookstore, they give everything but the address.
Contrary to recent news, a French soccer striker has declined a contract offer from the Impact.
Posters put up by a coalition of unions in advance of this fall’s Quebec election showing François Legault spliced with Philippe Couillard and the motto “On mérite mieux” were ordered taken down in Quebec City, but Montreal has decided to leave them up.
Here are driving notes for the weekend from the Journal. Likewise from CBC.
The old Dow brewery has been standing disused at Peel and Notre-Dame since I can remember, but now the École de technologie supérieure, which sits kitty corner to it, is being given money to turn it into a new pavilion.
The bill to turn Saint-André into a vélorue in the Plateau was supposed to be shared among the urban agglomeration, but members of the agglom are refusing to help pay.
A researcher testing the river waters around Montreal was startled to discover it’s full of caffeine.
There was another shooting in the north end, this one early Friday in Ahuntsic.