Public health now blames the heat wave earlier this month for 53 deaths on the island of Montreal alone.
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Music mag Downbeat reviews not only the jazz festival but the whole city.
Radio-Canada notes the death of coffee magnate Pierre Van Houtte at 96. I can’t say that it ever occurred to me that Van Houtte was an actual person and not just a commercial chimera like Betty Crocker or Aunt Jemima, but he was a real guy, and his father was the A.L. Van Houtte whose whole name used to be on their sign.
Brendan Kelly tries to make sense of the issue of noisy smaller music venues in the Plateau. Kelly’s lack of focus is palpable here – he tries to blame Projet, wavers, then the story fizzles out.
Parking meter revenue is down, but while La Presse says it’s because of roadwork and celebrations of the 375th last year, TVA ascribes it to people using an app to pay, although wouldn’t these folks at least be paying?
A man named Bony Jean-Pierre died during a drug bust in 2016, and now the police officer in question will face trial over the rubber bullet that ended Jean-Pierre’s life.