In the Globe and Mail, Les Perreaux has an extensive piece about UPAC, and about why its work has moved so slowly. With a good list of the major players, alive and dead, in the long story of corruption and collusion.
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Four islands off the eastern tip of Montreal have become nature preserves and people can visit parts of them, if they have their own non-motorized boats.
Update: Here are a few nice pictures of some of the islands, from the RDP local paper via Metro.
Here’s Île à l’Aigle:
Île aux Cerfeuils:
and larger Île Beauregard further downstream:
Île Bonfoin is tucked into a bay in the back river. Radio-Canada gives the name as “Bonin” and CTV as “Bonfouin” so who knows:
The popularity of Ville-Marie with locals and tourists means the city has to invest more in cleaning it up, so 16 new jobs are being created to keep Old Montreal, the Quartier latin, Chinatown and the downtown core presentable. Luckily V-M is rolling in surplus cash from permits for new construction.
Tony Accurso was sentenced Thursday morning to four years in prison on the fraud and corruption conviction he received recently for deals he made in Laval over a period of years. Accurso plans to appeal both the conviction and the sentence.
Although the big news from the recent auditor general’s report was about Formula E, this piece in Metro finds other interesting items, such as the Pointe-à-Callière museum benefiting from a nice piece of the pie in 2016. A museum spokesperson says they don’t get federal or provincial help and they’ve been also doing a lot of work underground to open up the old sewer pipe to visitors. Also, the museum was set up for the 350th in 1992, so it stands to reason the city should continue to support it.
With some further details on groups getting municipal help but not providing any accounting of their books.
CTV has a CP report on how a Chinese real estate site named Montreal the hot market last year after Toronto and Vancouver imposed offshore sales taxes.
Lightning struck the new bridge’s tallest crane on Saturday and put it out of commission for a few days, adding to the deadline delay being racked up by the site.