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  • Kate 11:20 on 2018-07-21 Permalink | Reply  

    I don’t often do this kind of thing, but I’ve been working in St-Henri for a year now, and while I can’t say I know it well, I know it better than I did. Here are some things I’d like to recommend:

    Atelier Pops-Art on Beaudoin south of Notre-Dame, in a kind of undefined space between rows of houses. The best popsicle type things I’ve ever tried. Right now I’m in a cucumber-lime phase but that could change.

    Saint-Henri Books, on Therien, a tiny street that runs along the west side of massive St-Zotique church on Notre-Dame. They offer an exquisitely curated selection of titles in English and French in a small storefront on an obscure side street. New, not used.

    Coffee from Campanelli.

    These three things can be usefully combined in a visit to leafy George-Étienne Cartier square nearby, one of the city’s finest classic squares with a terrific fountain in the middle.

    • Kate 10:09 on 2018-07-21 Permalink | Reply  

      As this item says, the history of Hydro-Quebec is a microcosm of the history of Quebec since its inception, and it has a warehouse archive of objects illustrating the social and technological changes over that time. Some of them will be on display, but this item is too brief to show you any examples or tell you where you can see any of them.

      • Kate 10:07 on 2018-07-21 Permalink | Reply  

        The construction holiday has begun. TVA cheerfully predicts rain and La Presse looks at some of the worksites that aren’t shutting down.

        • Kate 09:45 on 2018-07-21 Permalink | Reply  

          Le Devoir is doing a series on various ridings in advance of this fall’s Quebec election. Not all will be in Montreal, but this weekend they consider Viau in the east end.

          • Kate 09:16 on 2018-07-21 Permalink | Reply  

            The wave of stories about kids being taught how to be safe around dogs leaves me ambivalent. I never needed any training except my sensible mother’s advice to keep my distance from dogs. Seems to me it’s up to dog owners to keep their animals leashed and train them not to lunge at people – especially kids.

            Dog owners should not go around expecting kids to have been dogproofed like this. This is a bit like teaching kids to duck and cover during an atomic bomb attack, or hide when an armed intruder enters their school.

            In any case, it’s not likely to be a fuzzy little dog like the one shown in the CTV photo that half rips a kid’s face off, is it?

            • Kate 08:26 on 2018-07-21 Permalink | Reply  

              The companies still hoping to pave over Pierrefonds’ remaining wetlands to build 5,500 new housing units have noticed that the city administration has dedicated the land to a park and circumvented the plan to build a new highway to the area. They are not happy.

              • Kate 08:11 on 2018-07-21 Permalink | Reply  

                There were stabbings in the wee hours near Chinatown; nobody is dead, but two men are in hospital.

                Update: CBC noon news says one of the two victims has died, making him the 15th homicide of the year.

                Friday evening, a woman was found dead in a building on fire on St-Timothée in eastern downtown. It’s under investigation.

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