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  • Kate 21:18 on 2018-07-09 Permalink | Reply  

    A new hotel will be built on Laurier at Esplanade, where the old Glatt building collapsed not long ago. At the same time, the broken promise of a new project in the Village has caused anger and disappointment.

    Some people put in a “jardin éphémère” where the old Glatt building was, and are sad, but when you create things like this I’m afraid you’ve got to be braced to lose them.

    • Kate 21:09 on 2018-07-09 Permalink | Reply  

      Radio-Canada looks at the new Egypt exhibit at Pointe-à-Callière and also back at the 1985 exhibit about Ramses II that was mounted in the building that was no longer the France pavilion but not yet the Casino. They mention that 600,000 people were expected, but only 100,000 went to see it. I recall walking around a big Horus falcon sculpted in smooth black stone, dramatically lit in the middle of a room, and with nobody else around.

      The pavilion was also used for a big exhibit on China – the following year, I think – which was just as deserted when I went, and I think it was reasonably concluded that hardly anyone was going to go there for cultural stuff.

      • Kate 20:48 on 2018-07-09 Permalink | Reply  

        La Presse has a silly-season feature: an alphabet of a Montreal summer from Aire commune to Zoofest.

        • Kate 06:48 on 2018-07-09 Permalink | Reply  

          The Journal has details of the massive project with which this city tried to blandish Amazon.

          Update: The Journal claims it has been unable to find out how much was spent coming up with that plan.

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